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Welcome to Bit by Bit, my very own project about everyday sustainability, filled with (hopefully) interesting and engaging content. Explore my site and have a read into my blog ; Bit by Bit will try to make you think and chuckle and question the status quo our society - and hopefully inspires you to find your bit to make this world less dicky ;)  

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compassion-empathy-responsibility= sustainability

Right, so what message do I want to send? Well, it's actually quite simple: Don't be a dick! Give a damn!

Yes I know, swearing doesn't help and it might alienate people. Fair enough. But that's ok. This project I am starting doesn't have to please everyone- I mainly do this for me. And for my son and my children to come. And maybe, hopefully I can make a difference- at least a small one.

And to be honest: swearing does help. Me. I do definitely feel better when I can get rid of some of my anger and frustration- I surely got enough of it at times.

But to be fair: I have to learn to be less angry and frustrated- it doesn't help me being a nice person and I dont think much inspiration can come from an angry person either. So yeah, another part of this journey of mine I reckon...

I am fully aware that I will not write this blog as a way of converting people: I do not have the magical power to change people that are not giving any fucks about the environment and what the world will look like for future generations (if we have that many to come...).

I really just want to share some of my thoughts and the ride I am on with people who already know, that shit is about to really hit the fan- but rather than feeling motivated to do something about it, it paralyzes them.

So here we go: my attempt of un-paralyzing myself and to inspire

 people to get moving themselves.

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A 2nd birthday…or what to teach our children?

Right, so next week is our son's 2nd birthday (actually it just has been, where the f@#$ has time gone??) Two years ago that day I was in...

My new role as the chair of the "Green Team "

So today I put my hand up to become the new chair person of our GREEN TEAM at work. The GREEN TEAM, who is that? Basically a bunch of...

The apple and the tree

So where does it come from the urge to be part of the change and the blessing (or curse) to not be able to shut up and just stand by watchin

chop chop

The first step is the hardest they say... It's all about what I mean when I am talking about "Sustainability"...

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